China People Search

Tips on Locating a Person in China

Our China people search page will show you how to find people in China.  A professional from a Chinese investigation center has helped me with information for this page.

I really hope it will be of some assistance for you when searching - so you can finally find your lost one!

Here are some tips:

The local police station most probably has the missing person's registered address.

They can find her if you can supply them with her name, and if possible the date of birth. 

114 Query Service may give support when you want to find someone's telephone number or address.

The number is: 86 + (the city dialing code) +114

Write that down :)

There are white pages like that could be a good place to go, but this website is in the local language. It might as well be in Chinese! Just kidding.

So if your Chinese is not the best maybe there is no point in looking up that site unless a friend who is fluent can help you with it!

Yes, I know all about Google Translate, but truthfully, it is not very good with Chinese.

Online search by local search engines like or may help you too.

Last but not least, you could always employ a Chinese agent to do your search.

So, these tips were by Hai Yang, Beijing Steele Business Investigation Center. Here are his contact details:

A Chinese Social Network

You could also try the RenRen network (

China People Search - A Missed Connection

I just got a message from Marcus Bolitho. He is looking for a girl he met briefly, but did not exchange contact details with.

For having met her just for a short while, he does know some thingd about her, and that is good!

Her name is Li and her surname is either Ji or Jin, and she was born 1990 in Qingdao. Dark brown long straight hair and very beautiful.

Marcus met her close to the Qingdao university campus 19 September, 2014. He does not know if she is a student there, but it could be a possibility.

This girl told him that both her mother and father are doctors at one of the hospitals in the area, but Marcus does not know which hospital - he didn't ask. It was the first time he saw her and he hopes to see her again.

He has been to the same place several times after their meeting but he has not seen her. At the time of their meeting she was with a friend from Australia, a short blond girl called Abigail.

If someone knows Li, please contact me and I will forward the information to Marcus!

Another China people search to look for the lost individual at is:

Do you have some tips on how to track down old friends in China?

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Some feedback I've gotten - Someone I helped a while back was very thankful: