Looking for a Nevada people finder?

See my Nevada people finder suggestions.

Mathew from Las Vegas, NV tells us this:

My grandparents separated in their late forties and I just got to know that my grandfather had a relationship some time after that with a woman who lived in Henderson, Nevada - which is about an hour from where we live in Las Vegas.

They later had a daughter... This is something my dad has known about all along, but only decided to tell me about it now that my grandmother has passed away.

I never had any siblings and not even any cousins, so this is very interesting for me.

My dad did not have much to do with his own dad after the divorce, and even though he knew about his half sister, he didn't want to go and visit them out of respect for his mom.

We had to do some asking around in Henderson before we found out that, yes, my grandfather's daughter still lives there, and not alone - but with her three teenage kids!

Wow, I suddenly have lots of cousins!

People Search Engines

You can find people fast with the following websites:



On both of those sites you can try to locate someone you played with as a child, a friend from middle school or from somewhere else, an old girlfriend maybe or anyone really.

Looking for your birth mother in NV or in any other state?

It's always good to find your biological parents and talk and get to know them. Many people feel confused about where they belong to, so it can be a really healing experience.

But something to think about is that in reality there is no need to feel lost. You belong to anywhere where there is love, anywhere where you feel good. But I guess this is easier said than done.

Most of us still feel like there is something unfinished or unresolved if we for example don't know who our biological mother is. Looking up Nevada birth records could be useful in this case.

You can also find out in detail what to do, on this page. There one woman...

From the Nevada people finder page to the home page.

A find people on line case study:

Lily Hale from Reno looked for her step mother Maria on the internet. Maria had meant a lot to her while growing up and it was almost four years ago already that she had left. Lily's father had no clue where his ex was.

There was not really any good Nevada people finder (exclusively for NV) online, but Inteligator worked really well.

It found her in less than a minute! When Lily had purchased the records, she got the phone number and could call her step mom right away. Maria was very touched to hear from her step daughter.

A happy ending for the both of them!

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