Telus People Finder
A Good Canadian People Search Engine

This is a Toronto, Victoria, Montreal, Calgary, British Columbia, Quebec people search, Ontario, an Alberta people finder and more.

This locator searches records and any possible online traces of people from all cities and provinces to find your loved one.

I talk more about this Canadian people search lower down the page, make sure you don't miss it!

In this life and world that we live in, we meet lots of different individuals every day. Some of them we get to know better while some of them will just be mere acquaintances.

Canadian People Search

Others have the power to make us feel happy and really give us a sense of purpose.

But there are circumstances in life that will lead us elsewhere other than where we want to be. This sometimes causes us to forget to call or write to those who have made our lives a little more meaningful.

And then what happens? We find outselves in a situation where we seriously can't remember their phone number or address anymore...

How To Start A Search For People In Canada

Sometimes it bothers us that we are not able to thank our missing family or lost friends and tell them we appreciate what they have done for us...

because we can't find them anymore.

If you are looking for someone in Canada and you have no clue where to start, I can tell you that there are online sites that can help you find the anyone you need to locate.

But also those you never met before.

Telus People Finder

So it all depends on if you need to find a lost person from your past or if you would like to meet someone new.

Locate Someone...

from your past. As long as you have some relevant info on the lost one, business, work, profession or anything they might be involved in, you can try your luck finding them using the internet.

The Telus People Finder

Go to

Click on "people" and start your investigation.

It can find individuals in any part of this large country. The results are basically the same as the results you get from the 411 search.

Find New People

Do you want to meet new friends or dates?
One of the biggest Canadian dating websites where you can find someone to become friends with, is

Life is too short to be spent alone anyway!

To the home page, from the Telus people finder page.

By the way, another idea how to find a person is by making a YouTube video! It could work! Just make the video, upload it and as a tag you add the missing person's name.

One woman made one, her son filmed her and helped her put it on the internet. You can see it here.

These girls meet again after many years of living in different countries:

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