Free People Search Finder

A free people search finder will help you to find missing individuals for free.

I know many of you want to find a reliable, easy to use and free people locator. But are the ones you have heard about any good?

It depends on who you ask. In my opinion online lookups and search engines can help, but you won't always find out where somebody is with a site like that. But you could!

I had luck using one website I will tell you which one I used a bit lower down on this page.

Social networks can also be pretty helpful at times.

Find Someone on Facebook

The Facebook search function is a good one to try out. There are pictures next to the names, so it's pretty easy to see if it is the person you are looking for or not. Sometimes it seems as if the person is not on FB, but they actually are. You might have just typed the name wrong or maybe you did not add a location or something else.

Did you know that many free people search finder sites also search FB before they give you their results? So if websites like that trust the data on FB, then a search on the old friend on that site before trying anything else might not be such a bad idea.

LinkedIn and Tagged are also free places you could join and then search there.

Searching for a person on one of the sites above is pretty easy. Have someone show you how to do it if you are unsure. Here is how two siblings found each other:

A Free People Search Finder - Free People Search USA and Canada is a possibility. There is both a US version and one for Canada.

That one works pretty well, I found my old landlady there. I really loved her and her daughter. Her sister used to babysit my son when we lived over there. And the reason I know that I found the right person (out of all of the people that have the same name as her) is that her sister's name also comes up when searching for her name, it says they are "associated". In a people search it is always useful to have the names of a few relative too.

So, you could use, but be aware that if you want to see some more advanced results it connects you to where you have to pay. That program is pretty good, but it's not for those who don't want to pay.

Free People Search Online

If you want, you can post for free on this site. Share your story. That is what I advised a visitor to this site to do. Her name is Jenny.

"I'm told I have two half sisters from my biological father's first marriage.

He wasn't around when I was a kid, and he passed away before I had a chance to meet him, so I have no contact with his family at all.

I love my step dad dearly and don't feel much resentment towards my bio-dad now that I'm grown, but I've always hated knowing that I have two sisters I will probably never meet.

I know their names and that they grew up in San Antonio.

Now that the internet has made it so much easier to find people with people finders, forums and stuff like that, I'll search for them once in awhile.

I'll do a name search once in a while, or post in the Missed Connections section of San Antonio's Craigslist. No luck so far.

It isn't something I spend a lot of time or energy on, but it is something I feel kind of wistful over when I think about it."

I contacted Jenny with some of the same tips I share on this site. I also invited her to put up a free classified ad on this site, so let's see if she does that. She should never give up searching, having sisters in your life is such an precious thing to have.

Also visit the page People Finder Search.

And another place to ask for help is at:

Its free and they are usually very helpful.

For free people search finder programs in the UK, go to this page.

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